Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Resolution

       I realized something since the last post: I don't want to have an blog with original ideas! I want to do whatever I do in real life, take pretty pictures of it to the best of my ability, and tell my family and friends how it turned out!
      This takes a lot of pressure off me, and also helps free up my posting block.

      I actually DID make some foodz that I could have posted the recipe for, but I didn't take pictures because my battery was dead. Another time.

Instead, I'll show the pictures from my trip to Spokane with my mama:

This weekend CJ turned 24. I took him to Salty's and bought him a magnificent dinner with the gift card we got from our Visa points. I told the waiter to bring him balloons and cake while I "went to the bathroom". He he.

I love this adorable guy so much!

Coconut flakes are tasty and pretty. Wish I knew about 20 years earlier!

Here is the german chocolate cake I baked him. It was very tasty!


  1. YUM. I want german chocolate cake.

    Maybe I should go make one.

  2. Then bake one! It was very fun. Took a long time though.

  3. I want another road trip to see Deb!!!!!! When Sammi turns 21, we can take her, too!!! THAT would be soooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!
